Chicks perched on a hat with the kahoots logo on the front

Chicken Nutrition From Egg Hatching to Egg Snatching

Raising chickens? One of the most crucial elements is ensuring they get the right nutrition. But with so many feed types available, how do you choose the best one? Dig into our comprehensive guide to discover the essentials of chicken nutrition.

Chickens' Life Stages and Their Feed Needs

Just as humans have different nutritional needs at different ages, so do chickens:

1. The Early Days: Starter Feed

Chicks, right from the day they hatch until they're 6 weeks old, require a protein-rich diet. A starter feed with 18-24% protein is ideal, depending on the breed of chick. Meat bird breeds do best with 20-24% protein due to their super fast growth, while slower growing layer birds do well with 18-20% protein. For layer breed chicks, consider using a combo starter/grower so no diet transition is needed until they approach laying age. Starter feed not only fuels a chick’s rapid growth but also provides essential vitamins and minerals for robust bone and muscle development.

2. The Teenage Phase: Grower Feed

As they transition from 6 to 20 weeks, their growth rate slows down. That's where the grower feed comes in, with a protein content reduced to about 18%. It ensures they continue receiving a balanced mix of nutrients for steady development.

3. The Egg-laying Period: Layer Feed

Once your hens are getting ready to lay eggs (typically by 20 weeks) their nutritional needs shift. They need a “layer” feed that's rich in calcium for strong eggshells. A typical layer feed contains around 16% protein, combined with increased calcium. We will usually recommend transitioning from the starter/grower feed to a layer feed a A little before your birds get to this point (around 18 weeks) to ensure enough calcium in the diet for strong healthy shells right from the very first egg. This diet change can also help trigger your hens’ laying instinct due to the increased availability of necessary nutrients. You should also keep in mind that light plays a vital role in egg production, with chickens requiring 14-16 hours of light each day for peak egg production.

Diving Deeper into Layer Feed

Layer feed is more than just food; it's a balanced diet designed especially for egg production. It’s available in different forms - mash, crumble, and pellets. Mash is mostly used for the youngest chicks. Crumble can be good at any age, and seems to be a favorite for most chickens. However, it can be messy especially if using a feeder that can be tipped over or that they can scratch it out of. Pellets are the best for reducing mess and waste, but may be too large for some bantam breeds. 

Each chicken may have its preference, so a little trial and error might be in order to find your flock's favorite. Layer feed is meticulously formulated to meet the specific needs of laying hens. Beyond just being food, it ensures that hens receive a balanced intake of essential amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and water, all critical for optimal egg production and overall health.

Got a Mixed Flock? Consider Multispecies Diets

Having a diverse flock can be challenging when it comes to feeding. A multispecies diet can be your answer. These feeds cater to the broader nutritional requirements of different poultry species. However, occasional supplements might be needed to address each species' unique needs. Additionally, it’s not a great idea to have young birds or chicks in a multi-species flock. Their nutritional needs while growing can be very specific, and a multi-species diet won’t be the healthiest option for young birds.

Going Organic: The Non-GMO Route

For the health conscious, organic and non-GMO feeds are a great choice. Made without synthetic pesticides and devoid of GMOs, they match up to the nutritional benchmarks set by conventional feeds. When choosing organic or non-GMO feeds, it's crucial to scrutinize the ingredient list and ensure that the feed meets the specific nutritional needs of the chickens at their particular life stage.

Treats and More

Who doesn’t love treats? Your chickens do too! From fruits and veggies to grains and dried bugs, treats can be both fun and nutritious. Just ensure that treats are given in moderation and should be balanced with their regular feed to ensure they receive all essential nutrients. Also, you should avoid giving any treats to chicks younger than 4 weeks old. This ensures that as many calories as possible will come from a nutritionally balanced diet and be optimized for healthy growth.

Choosing Quality Over Quantity

The best feeds are complete and balanced, ensuring your chickens get all the nutrients they need. Always opt for reputable brands and scrutinize ingredient lists. Additionally, it's worth noting that understanding the nutritional components is crucial when evaluating the quality of chicken feed.

Keep Them Hydrated

Water is as essential as food. Ensure your flock has consistent access to clean, fresh water. Regularly change it to keep it free from algae and bacteria.

Beyond Food: The Environment Matters

Your chickens need more than just the right food. A stress-free environment, ample space, protection from predators, and access to sunlight are equally crucial for their well-being. Furthermore, ensuring chickens receive adequate daylight can also play a role in optimizing egg production.

Wrapping Up

Raising a healthy flock is a rewarding experience. With the right feed, clean water, and a safe environment, your chickens will thrive. Whether you're raising them for eggs, meat, or just as pets, understanding their nutritional needs is key. For more insights, consult experts or delve into resources dedicated to poultry care. Happy farming!